Make your next vacation truly unforgettable

Below you’ll find a growing list of the most enjoyable and unique trips which we and our contributors have ever done: trips for active travelers, for people with open minds, open hearts and insatiable curiosity.

Find a trip which fits your preferences and purchase the accompanying detailed description. Then save a ton of money by organizing the trip on your own without needing to book an expensive tour from a tour operator.

Yes, you need some courage to go on a tour without a tour guide, but we and our readers assure you: it’s not only totally possible, it’s the best way to travel!

Armed with our detailed description and with all the tips and tricks that we teach you on this site, you are 100% flexible: travel wherever you want to, whenever it best fits your schedule, for as long as you want to and with whoever you want to. Perfect, isn’t it?!

In the near future you’ll even be able to invite members of our community to join your trip or to join someone else’s tour. This way you not only get to know awesome and like-minded people, but you can also spread the costs and organizational tasks among more participants.

Unforgettable Trips by Theme
  • In preparation, please check back later…
Want to share your most memorable trip with our readers?
Submit your trip description — if we publish it, we’ll pay you for it.
Unforgettable Trips by Climate
  • In preparation, please check back later…
  • In preparation, please check back later…
Want to share your most memorable trip with our readers?
Submit your trip description — if we publish it, we’ll pay you for it.
Unforgettable Trips by Geography

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